We the Sacred Heart of Jesus Junior Youth Group dedicate ourselves to give glory to God as we live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today. We will share our unique gifts in the life, mission and work of the Catholic faith community and foster the personal & spiritual growth of every young person.
Sacred Heart Youth Group is open to to Sacred Heart Church and School youth in 6th to 8th grades. Members are invited to experience a deeper relationship with God. We have fun while serving God and others through our participation in service projects.
Members meet regularly for fun, fellowship, faith sharing, food and service under the leadership of Youth Coordinator, Nicole Salassi and parent volunteers.
Parent/Youth Volunteers
We are required by Diocesan policy to have chaperones at every youth event. We must provide safe environments for the children and youth and hold ALL adults who work with minors to a code of conduct that is Christ-centered and professional. The Safe Environment Program implemented by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge requires us to evaluate the background of all diocesan/eparchial and parish/school or other paid personnel and volunteers whose duties include ongoing, unsupervised contact with minors.
Any parent/adult (18 and older) wanting to volunteer with children on the Sacred Heart of Jesus campus must fulfill the following requirements as mandated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Diocese of Baton Rouge. Click here for the requirements to become a volunteer.