Growing Into the Future

Growing Into the Future Building Fund

1002085brochure cover cropped (1)For years now Sacred Heart’s Council of Ministries and Facilities Committees have set goals for the physical and spiritual renewal of our campus and our community. Great strides were made with the success of the Continuing Our Legacy campaign, which included the construction of our lovely Parish Hall. Now we would like to continue the process of renewal by:

painting, restoring and improving our church;

constructing a paved courtyard as a gathering place for
parishioners and visitors in the area bounded by
our church, rectory, and parish hall; and

converting the former CYO Center into a viable second gym
for our school and Activity Center for our parish.

Campaign Video

Proposed Projects

Church Preservation & Upgrades $300,000
  • Paint interior and exterior
  • Improve and upgrade lighting
  • Restore organ
  • Restore kneelers
  • Relocate overhead power to underground and secure transformer with attractive fencing.
Courtyard & Memorial Garden $100,000
  • Construct new courtyard between parish hall and rectory with wrought-iron fencing around perimeter.
  • Relocate Memorial to the Unborn and create meditation garden between hurch and new courtyard.
  • Relocate overhead power to underground and secure transformer with attractive fencing.
Parish & School Upgrades $400,000
  • Renovate former CYO Center to create Parish Activity Center with meeting rooms, storage and second school gym.
  • Demolish Blasco Hall and Scout Hut to provide needed parking secured with fencing.
  • Update School Gym locker rooms Renovate and upgrade Main School Building restrooms.
    Upgrade Main School Building windows.
arrowred ESTIMATED TOTAL $800,000




Saturday Vigil
4:00 p.m. (Rosary at 3:20 p.m.) // 3:00 p.m. Confession

9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.


6:00 p.m. Mass // 5:30 p.m. Confession

8:00 a.m. Mass // 7:30 a.m. Confession
(Devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help follows Mass)

6:00 a.m. Mass // 6:30 a.m. Confession

8:00 a.m. Mass // 7:30 a.m. Confession

First Friday of the Month Mass (only October through June) 12:00 noon followed by the Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus // Confession at 11:00 a.m.

Building Fund Collection


YTD Summary through 2/22/2016

Help Us Grow!

  • Monthly Stewardship Envelopes now include a special envelope “Growing Into the Future.” You may use this envelope to make donations to the Building Fund. Just drop it in the collection basket at Mass;
  • Automatic Bank Donations can be set to draft from your checking account on the 5th day of every month. Simply complete the Automatic Bank Draft Authorization form , attach a voided check and mail it to the parish office, Attention: Tiffany Dykes.
  • Alternative forms of giving (e.g. donations of stock, charitable trusts, memorial gifts, bequests, etc.) are accepted by contacting Tiffany Dykes in the parish office.
  • Online Giving through WeShare is available by clicking the box below;